Библиотека / Монографии и сборники
Идейно-политические аспекты модернизации КНР: от Мао Цзэдуна к Дэн Сяопину
Монография посвящена обобщению исторического опыта, накопленного в Китае и в КНР в ходе политических и экономических преобразований в стране во второй половине XX в. Все эти процессы направлялись и проводились в жизнь идеями, установками и действиями КПК и ее руководства. Выразителями и вдохновителями этих идей были руководители КПК и КНР Мао Цзэдун и Дэн Сяопин. Основной проблемой, которая выкристаллизовалась в теории и практической работе двух лидеров Китая, стала последовательная и всесторонняя модернизация страны. Идейно-теоретические подходы Мао Цзэдуна и Дэн Сяопина к процессу модернизации, имеющей целью укрепление страны, повышение ее международной роли, ускоренное развитие народного хозяйства, составляют основное содержание представленной работы. В монографии прослеживается процесс постепенного корректирования подходов Мао и Дэна к осуществлению модернизации и собственные идейные поиски современного руководства Китая в данном направлении на рубеже XX—XXI вв. Книга рассчитана на специалистов-востоковедов, политологов, историков и на других читателей, интересующихся проблемами современного Китая.
The monograph is devoted to the generalization of historical experience accumulated in China and in the PRC in the process of political and economic transformation in the country in the second half of the XX th century. All these processes were guided and executed by the ideas, directives and actions of the CCP and its management. Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping, the leaders of the CCP and the PRC, were the expressers and inspirers of these ideas. The main problem which crystalized in the theory and practical work of the two leaders of China became the successive and overall modernization of the country. Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping’s theoretical approaches to the modernization process aimed at the country strengthening, its international role increasing, rapid development of the national economy form the main parts of the contents of the presented book . In the monograph there is observed the course of gradual correction of Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping’s approach to the modernization fulfillment and China’s modern management’s own ideological search in the given direction in the XX-XXI centuries. The book is intended for the oriental researches and specialists, political scientists, historians and other readers who are interested in the problems of the modern China.
The monograph is devoted to the generalization of historical experience accumulated in China and in the PRC in the process of political and economic transformation in the country in the second half of the XX th century. All these processes were guided and executed by the ideas, directives and actions of the CCP and its management. Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping, the leaders of the CCP and the PRC, were the expressers and inspirers of these ideas. The main problem which crystalized in the theory and practical work of the two leaders of China became the successive and overall modernization of the country. Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping’s theoretical approaches to the modernization process aimed at the country strengthening, its international role increasing, rapid development of the national economy form the main parts of the contents of the presented book . In the monograph there is observed the course of gradual correction of Mao Zedong and Den Xiaoping’s approach to the modernization fulfillment and China’s modern management’s own ideological search in the given direction in the XX-XXI centuries. The book is intended for the oriental researches and specialists, political scientists, historians and other readers who are interested in the problems of the modern China.
Год: 2005
ISBN: 5-8381-00-98-2
Смирнов Д.А. Идейно-политические аспекты модернизации КНР: от Мао Цзэдуна к Дэн Сяопину. – М.: ИДВ РАН, 2005. – 323 с.