Библиотека / Монографии и сборники
The monograph consists of three parts. The first part analyzes the Communist Party’s domestic policy in the process of Renovation and development (1986—2021). The second part shows the Party’s guidance of socio-economic and cultural reform of Vietnamese society. The third one describes the foreign policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the foreign relations of Vietnam. The digest discusses the CPV strategy and the results of its internal and external management, as well as achievement of socio-economic progress under the guidance of the CPV.
The monograph is addressed to research-workers, teachers and students studying Vietnam, as well as to practical experts specifically involved in the development of relations with Vietnam, and to a wide range of readers.The assessments and conclusions in the monograph are entirely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Center for Vietnam and ASEAN Studies.
Keywords: Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), domestic and external policy, ideology, socio-economic and demographic trends, national-patriotic education, youth, cultural construction.
ISBN 978-5-19-011814-8
DOI: 10.55959/MSU978-5-19-011814-8-2022-1-432
УДК 327:32(597)
ББК 66.4(5Вье)
© Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, 2022
© Russian Academy of Sciences, 2022