Библиотека / Монографии и сборники

Ho Chi Minh's heritage in Vietnam and abroad

The monograph includes the articles by scholars both from Russia and Vietnam written under scientific cooperation project between Moscow and Hanoi state universities. The research explores various aspects of Vietnam national leader and first President Ho Chi Minh's heritage important for his native country and over the world. These aspects are Ho Chi Minh's contribution to the cause of national liberation, party and state building, economic and foreign policy, formation of a new culture and morality. The monograph conceptualizes Ho Chi Minh's ideology, describes his activities at the Communist International and several countries, especially in Russia and China.

The title is dedicated to the scholars, teachers and students studying Vietnam and Orient, as well as a wide range of readers.

Keywords: President Ho Chi Minh, heritage, national liberation, Vietnamese Communist Party, governance, rule of law state, political and socioeconomic system, new culture, morality, new mankind, international revolutionary.

Год: 2020
Язык публикации: Английский
Britov Igor V. Горчакова Татьяна Евгеньевна заместитель директора Института Китая и современной Азии РАН по научной работе, руководитель Центра научного мониторинга и развития, главный редактор научного электронного журнала «Восточная Азия: факты и аналитика», кандидат экономических наук gorchakova@iccaras.ru Кобелев Евгений Васильевич ведущий научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН, кандидат исторических наук evgeny@iccaras.ru Kolotov Vladimir N. Kuleshova Natalia S. Ларин Вадим Петрович научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН v.larin@iccaras.ru Lokshin Grigory M. Мазырин Владимир Моисеевич руководитель – главный научный сотрудник Центра изучения Вьетнама и АСЕАН, доктор экономических наук (5.2.5) mazyrin@iccaras.ru Novakova Oksana V. Sokolov Anatoly A. Sokolovsky Alexandre Ya. Syunnerberg Maxim A. Dinh Tien Hieu Do Quang Hung Do Xuan Tuat Kieu Van Nam Le Trung Kien Le Van Cuong Mach Quang Thang Ngo Thi Khanh Nguyen Anh Cuong Nguyen Anh Tuan Nguyen Cao Son Nguyen Duy Quynh Nguyen Hai Yen Nguyen Manh Cuong Nguyen Nghi Thanh Nguyen Ngoc Diep Nguyen Quynh Nga Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen Thu Hong Nguyen Thuy Van Nguyen Van Kim Nguyen Van Tai Nguyen Van Thang Pham Ngoc Anh Pham Quoc Thanh Phung Chi Kien Tran Mai Uoc Tran Ngoc Lieu Tran Thi Dieu Tran Thi Minh Tuyet Tran Thi Quang Hoa Trieu Quang Minh Truong Thi Quynh Hoa Vu Hong Huy Vu Thi Minh Thang Vu Thuy Trang