Идеологический союз, который намного сильнее любого военного

Директор Института Китая и современной Азии РАН Кирилл Бабаев рассказал газете «Christian Science Monitor» о стремительном идеологическом сближении России и Китая.

When it got out that a new Russian think tank focused on understanding the fast-growing Moscow-Beijing axis might be called the «Xi Jinping Thought Laboratory,» eyebrows were raised in the Russian media.

Later, the new center was given the more inclusive title of the Laboratory of Modern Ideology of China.

But Kirill Babaev, director of the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia, which hosts the new center, says that the galloping ideological convergence between Russia and China requires close attention since it drives the rapid growth of relations in what may be the most important emerging bloc on earth. At least the Chinese side of it, he says, largely boils down to the speeches and ideas of Mr. Xi, who seems likely to remain at the helm in Beijing for a long time to come.

«Interest toward our eastern partner is really great and growing,» he says. «More and more people want to study Chinese, are interested in Chinese movies or literature, are keen to visit China as tourists, or start up a business with Chinese partners. ... The more we know about our partners, the more objective and correct this knowledge will be, the better it is for the development of friendly and mutually beneficial relations».


«Russia and China share a common vision on the future of international relations, which includes fair treatment for all, respect for all types of government and social structures, no hegemony, and no imposing of anyone’s political principles,» says Mr. Babaev«This is an ideological alliance, which is much stronger than any military one.»


«While China definitely wants peace in Europe as soon as possible, it will never allow Russia to lose,» Kirill Babaev says. «Russia does not seem to need much help today, but in case Russia needs something tomorrow I am pretty sure China will help.»

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Фото: Dmitry Serebryakov/AP