Статья сотрудника ИКСА РАН в журнале Revue de philosophie économique

Ведущий научный сотрудник Центра социально-экономических исследований Китая ИКСА РАН, к.э.н. Ольга Борох опубликовала статью «Discovering Economics in Chinese Philosophy: Intellectual Searches of the 1910s-1930s» [Выявление экономической науки в китайской философии: интеллектуальные поиски 1910-х- 1930-х годов] в журнале Revue de philosophie économique, 2023/1 (Vol. 24).

Специальный номер журнала посвящен экономической философии в Китае (La philosophie économique en Chine). Главный редактор тематического выпуска – профессор Жиль Кампаньоло (Gilles Campagnolo), Университет Париж-1.

The paper explores the early stages of the development of economic philosophy in China. In the 1910s-1930s scholars with Western economic education applied their knowledge of modern economics to the interpretation of traditional Chinese philosophy. They proposed a new analytical framework for the systematization of ancient Chinese economic ideas focusing on the teachings of pre-Qin sages Laozi, Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Guanzi. Cross-cultural comparisons placed Chinese concepts into the context of Western economics and social thought.

Due to these efforts, a set of “economic” quotations from the ancient Chinese sages was formed in the academic literature and it had long-lasting impact on later research in this field. This intellectual endeavor paved the way to establishing the history of Chinese economic thought as a distinct scholarly discipline. Modern economic reading of ancient Chinese thought was linked to the problems of national economic development. Chinese economists of the Republican period analyzed traditional ethical norms, relations between justice and profit, methods of control of human desires and attitudes to consumption in order to find hidden obstacles to the path of China’s modernization. They also highlighted the achievements of Confucian economic thought that could lay the foundation for future success. Critical arguments were presented by various scholars with respectful recognition of the strong influence of Confucian ethics upon the economic life of the Chinese, as we shall examine here.

The article is based on the study of writings of some major Chinese economists of the Republican era. Chen Huanzhang, Yuan Xianneng and Li Zhaoyi turned to the exploration of traditional Chinese philosophical heritage while pursuing doctorate degrees in the West. Li Quanshi and Tang Qingzeng published books on the history of Chinese economic thought in Chinese language. The comprehensive study of these materials facilitates the task of reconstruction of intellectual searches for an economic interpretation of the ancient Chinese thought. The study of the origins of economic understanding of traditional Chinese philosophy reveals the historical roots of modern economic philosophy in China.

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