Welcome to the official website of the ICCA RAS, the leading Russian scientific institution for the study of the countries of contemporary East and Southeast Asia.

Founded in 1966, the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been renamed the Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICCA RAS) since the 10th of July 2022 and continues to be the flagship of Russian Sinology, scientific and analytical studies of politics, economics, social processes, culture and recent history of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries of foreign Asia. The Institute of the Far East actively cooperates with a wide range of scientific and educational institutions in Asia, Europe and America, ensuring the strategic interests of Russia in the field of studying current processes in all spheres of life in modern Asia.

We will be glad to new proposals for partnership and cooperation.

K.V. Babaev
Head of the ICCA RAS