Библиотека / Периодические издания
The Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies • Vol. 6 • №3 • 2022
A new, third in 2022, issue of the Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies has been published. The place of Vietnam in Europe’s Indo-Pacific stragedy and the participation of non-governmental organizations in the local governance in Vietnam, the prospects of Russia-Vietnam cooperation in the fuel and energy sphere and the life of the Vietnamese in Russia, Champa cultural imprints in Northern Vietnam and features of Vietnamese funeral orations, opposition “educated – uneducated” in stories of an outstanding Vietnamese writer and much more are on the website of the journal and in the electronic library of the ICCA RAS.
Inward political processes and foreign policy
Nguyen Thi Hanh, Vo Hoang Linh. Role of Vietnam in Europe’s Indo-Pacific Stragedy: Present and Perspective
Nguyen Trong Binh. Study on the Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOS) in Local Governance in Vietnam
Socio-economic development
Butko A.A. The Possibilities of Russia-Vietnam Cooperation in the Fuel and Energy Sphere
Ryazantsev S.V., Le Duc Anh, Phung Huy Hoang, Moiseeva E.M. Overseas Vietnamese in Russia and their Contributions to the Promotion of Bilateral Relations
History and culture
Dinh Duc Tien. Champa Cultural Imprints in Northern Vietnam through Historical and Archaeological Resources
Le Thi Thanh Tam, Nguyen Dong Trieu. The Vietnamese Memory Heritage of the War and the Spirit of Compassion
Filimonova T.N. Some Features of the “Educated – Uneducated” Opposition in Stories by Nguyen Huy Thiep
Founder: ICCA RAS
URL: http://www.vietnamjournal.ru
Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77-73494
Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Part of the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library
Included into Web of Science database with Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Editor-in-chief: Vladimir M. Mazyrin, DSc (Economics)
Editorial Board: Anosova L.A., DSc (Economics); Grigorieva N.V., PhD (History); Kanaev E.A. DSc (History); Kolotov V.N., DSc (History); Maletin N.P., DSc (History); Ryazantsev S.V., Corresponding Member RAS, DSc (Economics); Sokolovsky A.Ya., PhD (Philology); Fedorin A.L., DSc (History); Tsvetov P.Yu., PhD (History) Editorial Council: Deopik D.V., DSc (History), professor; Babaev K.V., DSc (Philology), Chairman; Maslov A.A., DSc (History), professor; Mihoko Kato, professor (Japan); Vu Thuy Trang, professor (Vietnam); Mosyakov D.V., DSc (History), professor; Malgorzata Petrasyak, professor (Poland); Sumsky V.V., DSc (History); Carlyle Thayer, professor (USA); Adam Fford, professor (Australia); Benoît de Tréglodé, professor (France); Ian Storey, editor-in-chief of Contemporary South East Asia Journal (Singapore).
Edited by: Nikulina E.V., Britenkova A.E.
Address: Moscow 117997, Nakhimovsky prospect, 32. ICCA RAS
E-mail: vietnamjournal@yandex.ru
Тел.: +7 (499) 124 08 33
Information for authors: http://www.ifes-ras.ru/vs/requirements
© Group of authors
Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors
ISSN 2618-9453