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Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies • 2021 • Volume 5 • Special Issue
Электронный научный журнал «Вьетнамские исследования», 2021, том 5, № S1 – cпециальный выпуск, посвященный исследовательским работам молодых французских учёных. В выпуске представлены статьи об истории, экономике, социальным проблемам и религии Вьетнама, а также обзоры вьетнамоведческой литературы, изданной во Франции. Выпуск является хорошим примером международного научного сотрудничества и готовился по инициативе и с активным участием известного французского востоковеда Бенуа де Треглоде.
Год: 2021
ISSN: ISSN 2618-9453
Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies • 2021 • Volume 5 • Special Issue Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies • 2021 • Volume 5 • Special Issue
The electronic scientific edition “Russian Journal of Vietnamese Studies – Vyetnamskiye issledovaniya” has been published 4 times a year (quarterly) since 2018, in two full versions in Russian and English – since 2021. This edition is an interdisciplinary journal covering various fields of Vietnamese studies: politics, economics, society, history, culture, philology, etc. All academic articles are double peer-reviewed.
Founder: IFES RAS. URL: http://www.vietnamjournal.ru
Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77-73494 Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Part of the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library.
Included into Web of Science database with Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Editor-in-chief: Vladimir M. Mazyrin, DSc (Economics)
Editorial Board: Anosova L.A., DSc (Economics); Grigorieva N.V., PhD (History); Kanaev E.A. DSc (History); Kolotov V.N., DSc (History); Maletin N.P., DSc (History); Ryazantsev S.V., Corresponding Member RAS, DSc (Economics); Sokolovsky A.Ya., PhD (Philology); Fedorin A.L., DSc (History); Tsvetov P.Yu., PhD (History)
Editorial Council: Deopik D.V., DSc (History), professor; Babaev K.V., DSc (Philology), Chairman; Maslov A.A., DSc (History), professor; Mihoko Kato, professor (Japan); Vu Thuy Trang, professor (Vietnam); Mosyakov D.V., DSc (History), professor; Malgorzata Petrasyak, professor (Poland); Sumsky V.V., DSc (History); Carlyle Thayer, professor (USA); Adam Fford, professor (Australia); Benoît de Tréglodé, professor (France); Ian Storey, editor-in-chief of Contemporary South East Asia Journal (Singapore).
Edited by: Nikulina E.V., Britenkova A.E.
Address: Moscow 117997, Nakhimovsky prospect, 32. IFES RAS
E-mail: vietnamjournal@yandex.ru
Тел.: +7 (499) 124 08 33
Information for authors: http://www.ifes-ras.ru/vs/requirements
Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.
ISSN 2618-9453
© Group of authors
Founder: IFES RAS. URL: http://www.vietnamjournal.ru
Mass media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77-73494 Included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Part of the CyberLeninka Scientific Electronic Library.
Included into Web of Science database with Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Editor-in-chief: Vladimir M. Mazyrin, DSc (Economics)
Editorial Board: Anosova L.A., DSc (Economics); Grigorieva N.V., PhD (History); Kanaev E.A. DSc (History); Kolotov V.N., DSc (History); Maletin N.P., DSc (History); Ryazantsev S.V., Corresponding Member RAS, DSc (Economics); Sokolovsky A.Ya., PhD (Philology); Fedorin A.L., DSc (History); Tsvetov P.Yu., PhD (History)
Editorial Council: Deopik D.V., DSc (History), professor; Babaev K.V., DSc (Philology), Chairman; Maslov A.A., DSc (History), professor; Mihoko Kato, professor (Japan); Vu Thuy Trang, professor (Vietnam); Mosyakov D.V., DSc (History), professor; Malgorzata Petrasyak, professor (Poland); Sumsky V.V., DSc (History); Carlyle Thayer, professor (USA); Adam Fford, professor (Australia); Benoît de Tréglodé, professor (France); Ian Storey, editor-in-chief of Contemporary South East Asia Journal (Singapore).
Edited by: Nikulina E.V., Britenkova A.E.
Address: Moscow 117997, Nakhimovsky prospect, 32. IFES RAS
E-mail: vietnamjournal@yandex.ru
Тел.: +7 (499) 124 08 33
Information for authors: http://www.ifes-ras.ru/vs/requirements
Editorial opinion may be different from those of the authors.
ISSN 2618-9453
© Group of authors